Easter at GUCC

Easter Sunday 2022 was the day in the Christian calendar when we celebrated the resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Here at Grace it was a wonderful service with an amazing and thought provoking message from our pastor, Dr. Dan Lundquist. With us being able to worship and be a part of a “hybrid” service, we had an attendance of 50 people. 39 attended in person while the other 11 attended via Zoom. 

Joanne Hardgrove, along with Jim and Teresa LaSala provided music for the service. It was great to able to have and hear the congregation sing the beautiful Easter hymns.  

After the worship service ended, we had our traditional “Pot-luck” Easter dinner. Almost everyone who had attended worship in person stayed. And yes!!  There was plenty of delicious food for everyone, including Paul A’s super tasty meatballs and Carol J’s peach pie.  Thank you Carol and Geoff for being in charge of the kitchen. All in all, the day was a wonderful day of praise and fellowship with our Grace UCC family.

—Submitted by Peggy Taylor