Family Promise

New Socks & Underwear Needed

Dear Grace United Church of Christ!

As you may have heard from Mr. Bill Taylor, Grace is a solid supporter of the Family Promise network in Hunterdon County. We now have a unique opportunity to continue that support.

Family Promise is participating in a CARE event which involves various community service organizations distributing information to members of our community who might need support. Individuals in the community who attend the event are provided lunch, box dinners, some medical screening and other useful items. THIS IS WHERE YOUR SUPPORT IS NEEDED!

I am coordinating a drive for NEW underwear and socks to be distributed to those in need who attend the event. All sizes are needed and must be new in the packaging (nothing gently used, please). Underwear and socks can be purchased in bulk packages; Family Promise will separate into sizes -- we only need you to bring them in. Items are needed no later than October 27 to ensure they are packaged and prepared for the event on the first.

So - as you are out and about in the coming weeks and find yourself in a store wondering what you might buy, please consider picking up some packages in different sizes. Children's sizes and adult sizes are needed.

Thank you so much for your continued generosity!!!!

With much love in Grace,

-Chris Syltevik